“We need to shift our paradigm of revival. We need to rethink what revival is and what it isn’t. Revival is more than powerful services. Less like an act of God we wait for, revival is more like a move of God we grow toward. Revival is birthed and sustained by discipleship.”

— Revival by Prayer

My story

I have lived my entire life in the environment of revival. Since my earliest days in my father’s church, I have asked God innumerable times to send revival to my town, my nation, and the world. I have visited “hot spots” of genuine revival. I have attended hundreds (thousands?) of revival services with well- known and unknown revivalists. Still, when I measure my life against Jesus’ and the lives of his first disciples, I come up short. I wrote this book because I need this book for myself.

My experience, community, reason, and understanding of Scripture have led me to a paradigm of revival that is different than how revival is usually defined and practiced. Revival by Prayer is an exploration of that paradigm and a practical tool for personal spiritual growth.

Revival by Prayer is a thought-provoking book that bolsters your relationship with the Lord as you pray the Bible and challenges you to reconsider your definition of revival. Based on the 11 pillars of revival - Repentance, Holiness, Suffering, Waiting for the Lord, Worship, Presence of God, Evangelism, Works of Righteousness, Salvation, Power of God, and Unity - this book is an invaluable guide as you prayerfully seek revival in your own life. Containing more than 100 passages of Scripture, this book stokes the flames of revival as you learn to use Scripture as a template for prayer. Revival by Prayer is a lifelong resource for spiritual growth and personal revival as you reach new depths in your relationship with the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

The 11 Pillars of Revival

Available in paperback and ebook